Friday, November 9, 2007
Moving On Up in the World
Frank J @ IMAO featured me in his Ronin Profiles! If you've not gone to his site, it's wonderful satire & great postings. The Fred Thompson Facts, John Edwards Fabulous Facts, & Hiliary Clinton Terrible Truths are worth visiting by themselves, not to mention all the wonderful stuff he has on his site.
Deer hunting is reaching full swing. I didn't get out during muzzleloader this week as mine is still disassembled. We've been busy with the new wonderful grandson, & stuff has been moved around & out! We're still working on removing clutter, which is like a snowball rolling down the hill - hard to get started, but easier as you go. Regular gun season starts next Saturday, & I'm getting ready to bring some venison home!
All the political junk is still going on; we'll see how things shake out as the primaries actually start happening. Hiliary now has chinks in the armor, though I don't know how much difference that will make. The MSM has already written the obituary for Fred's campaign, though Fred has come out with some interesting things on the illegal alien issue & today with Social Security. I still think it's way too early for anyone to be "buying drapes" for the white house - still a lot of campaign to go. Overall, it looks like the illegal alien/border security issue may get its due as the main issue in this presidential campaign, & I hope as well for the congressional & senate races.
All for now, be safe & happy hunting!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Over Two Months
Deer season is about to get underway here in TN. I don't bowhunt, so it'll be November before I am a threat to the venison polulation in Stewart County. The recent cooler evenings have got my blood pumping, though my hunting "stuff" is in total disarray.
On the political front: Fred's in, the "Surge" is showing progress, many on the left are exorcised that it's working. The illegal alien issues are still there, though in smaller chunks - some good, some bad.
God has blessed me much more than I could ever deserve!
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Michael Yon - Arrowhead Ripper: 2 weeks later
Take the time to actually read this. Baqubah Update: 05 July 2007. Good info.
The big news on the streets today is that the people of Baqubah are generally ecstatic, although many hold in reserve a serious concern that we will abandon them again. For many Iraqis, we have morphed from being invaders to occupiers to members of a tribe. I call it the “al Ameriki tribe,” or “tribe America.” I’ve seen this kind of progression in Mosul, out in Anbar and other places, and when I ask our military leaders if they have sensed any shift, many have said, yes, they too sense that Iraqis view us differently. In the context of sectarian and tribal strife, we are the tribe that people can—more or less and with giant caveats—rely on.
There's a whole heck of a lot more, but the above quote from the beginning is very telling to me...
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Random Musings
Senate Immigration - don't call it amnesty, though it is - bill is trying to be revived. I received - along with many others - an email from Lamar Alexander's office that he will vote NO on cloture, which means he's listening to those who support him. That is a good thing.
In Iraq Operation Arrowhead Ripper is in progress, Michael Yon is there telling the story. Now that the full troop strength is there for the surge & they are focusing on eradicating the Islamist insurgency cells, I pray they are successful & can turn the day to day security over to the Iraqis very soon.
The lovely Michelle Malkin has a great story on her website detailing the horrors of the Iranian cultural thug police. I join her in calling on the so-called human rights organizations to decry this outright evil repression. I hope that soon a blockade of Iran is put in place so that the people of Iran will overthrow the mad mullahs & their stooge Ahmadinejad.
Recently a very ugly incident happened in Nashville that did not involve Adam "Pacman" Jones. A deer was mortally injured & a police officer refused to shoot the animal to put it out of its misery. The story is found at this Tennessean article. From the article, the officer didn't want to deal with the paperwork involved with discharging his firearm, so a road crew tried to kill the deer with a shovel, then someone thought to use a sledgehammer. Being a deer hunter & student of deer, this makes me cringe. When I hunt, I will not take a shot unless it's certain the deer will die quickly & yes, humanely.
Personally, I've been very busy @ work helping train new representatives - little time off however I'm not complaining! Training & teaching are things I love to do; helping others succeed is what I'm here for! We're also getting ready for our first grandchild - little early for this @ 40, but God has decided it's time.
Saturday, June 9, 2007
"Immigration" Bill Pulled, Now What?
Now what? If one thinks that enforcing our laws & not rewarding illegality is a good thing, this was a win for the good guys. Will the bill be brought up again? There are many very intricate forces & situations at work. The republican party "bigwigs" have to know now that this is poison for them. The reaction from the base, of which I am part, supposedly "stunned" some. It's hard for me to comprehend how out of touch one would have to be to be truly "stunned." I believe it's mostly spin.
As of today there are still border patrol agents in prison, put there for doing their jobs. They were put there at the behest of the Mexican government. This is a terrible injustice all the way around, & these men should be pardoned & their convictions removed. The influence of the Mexican government should be investigated; this is something tangible that congress can look into regarding the Bush Administration.
Will we be forced again to beat back the amnesty bill? I am not sure. While many democrats want this bill in the hopes of new, malleable voters, I'm not sure their animus against Bush will allow them to give him a victory in anything - in this case it would be good for the country.
Can those of us who simply want our immigration, border security, & employment laws enforced make any headway while Bush is president? Sadly, I don't believe so; however, it is still the right thing to do to press for this & can set the stage for 2009 & beyond.
I'm an unabashed & up-front Fred supporter. He is right on this issue. Even Fred has been silent on the true apex of this problem, which is those who knowingly employ illegal aliens. It's fraught with political "danger," as many politicians fear losing the big money from those who knowingly employ illegal aliens. I believe that we can make a difference in letting our elected representatives know that the money they "may" lose from those knowingly employing illegals will in no way make up for the lost votes & on-the-ground support they would lose from their true constituents.
In all this, the operative word is "ILLEGAL." We have made a great difference in banishing the spin & obfuscation of this issue, & it is my hope we continue.
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Talk About "Sicko"
As usual, Moore's logic needs a checkup. The man stretches his argument
into caricature and discredits himself by cherrypicking facts. To assume that
Cuban citizens are getting the medical attention they need because a party of
foreigners got treated decently is akin to praising prison food because you got
offered a nice spread of cold cuts after the warden took you on a
Monday, May 28, 2007
Million Word Picture

To donate to a memorial fund benefiting Christian Golczynski, go to any Pinnacle bank branch office or send a check to: Pinnacle National Bank, 114 W. College St., Murfreesboro, TN 37130. Checks should be made out to the Christian Golczynski Trust Fund.
Instead of a donation to the Golczynski Trust Fund, Heather Golczynski has asked those wanting to help to make a donation in Marc Golczynski's name to the Children of Fallen Soldiers Relief Fund. If you would like to contribute by mail, please make your checks payable to: Children of Fallen Soldiers Relief Fund and mail your check to: CFSRF, P.O. Box 3968, Gaithersburg, MD 20885-3968.
One can read the entire commentary by clicking above or listen to it here.
I excerpt these tidbits as teasers, though great points abound!
I remember when I was a kid; one thing was clear to me. The more I learned about the rest of the world, the luckier I felt just having been born in America. The more I learned about America, the more I appreciated what those who came before us built; and how exceptional they were.
Over the years, a lot of people have tried to talk us out of feeling about America the way we do. Instead of pride in what America has done, they want us to feel guilty — generally because we have so much more than rest of the world. Of course, it wouldn’t help the rest of the world one whit if we had less — either of freedom or of prosperity. On the contrary, it’s our liberties that have made us prosperous and there’s no reason the rest of the world couldn’t be just as well-off — if they embraced freedom as well.
This is our quandary. Memorial Day is about remembering. It’s about remembering those who died for our country; but it’s also about remembering why they believed it was worth dying for. Too many Americans, though, have never been taught our own history and heritage. How can you remember something that you’ve never learned?
Cindy Sheehan's Goodbye Letter
Excerpted in part:
The first conclusion is that I was the darling of the so-called left as long as I limited my protests to George Bush and the Republican Party. Of course, I was slandered and libeled by the right as a "tool" of the Democratic Party. This label was to marginalize me and my message. How could a woman have an original thought, or be working outside of our "two-party" system?
However, when I started to hold the Democratic Party to the same standards that I held the Republican Party, support for my cause started to erode and the "left" started labeling me with the same slurs that the right used. I guess no one paid attention to me when I said that the issue of peace and people dying for no reason is not a matter of "right or left", but "right and wrong."
I think this excerpt pretty much tells the story. I hope she finds true peace & is finally able to work through the death of her son. Unfortunately, she also has so much after his death, being a willing foil for the anti-US crowd, that she would need to confront & atone.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
The details of the secret “deal” constructed by the Bush Administration, Ted Kennedy and John McCain that will grant amnesty and immediate legal status to millions of illegals currently are slowly starting to emerge. And as usual, the details are proving devilish.
We have been told that there are 12 million illegal aliens in the country. Some estimates put the number much, much higher, closer to 20 million. The new Z-visa that is at the center of the amnesty plan does not put a cap on the number of illegals who will be eligible for the “probationary” path to citizenship. Why not? If there are really “only” 12 million of them why not put a maximum number of those who will be eligible for the visa at that precise number?
The plan also restricts those who can get “amnesty” to those who were here before January 1, 2007. Really? If we don’t know how many are here, how will we know when they got here? Does anybody seriously think this provision will be enforced?
Tamper-proof identification cards are supposedly a key component to insure that employers only hire those who are here legally. But how will the suddenly less-illegal illegals get these cards? Will they provide proof of who they are in the form of bogus drivers’ licenses that they have purchased on the black market here in the U.S.? Or maybe they can use the matricular consular cards that Mexico hands out like Halloween candy? Or perhaps they can use the voter registration cards that they have illegally obtained while illegally in the country?
Last year, one of the critical elements of the non-amnesty amnesty plan that was blocked in the House was a requirement that the illegals pay two out of the last five years of taxes in order to qualify for the non-amnesty amnesty. This time that burden has been completely eliminated. The illegals will apparently have no obligation to pay any back taxes or fines in order to qualify for their amnesty. They also get tax amnesty as part of the citizenship amnesty package. What a deal!
I am sure millions of American citizens would love to pay a $5000 one time fine and get the taxes they paid to the federal government over the past five to seven years returned to them. Count me in!
And do you remember the border fence that got so much attention last year during the fall elections when politicians were clamoring for our votes? They voted to build a 700 mile long fence to secure a 2100 mile border. The new amnesty deal trims that border fence to just 370 miles. So far, we have actually constructed just two miles of fencing. At this rate we will have secured about 20% of our southern border 200 years from now. As part of this “deal” perhaps President Bush can remove 80% of the fencing around the White House to prove his commitment to share in the same level of security he proposes for us.
The more we learn about the details of this “deal” the more clear it becomes that THEY have to pass it quickly and in secret, before WE figure out what is really happening. As more details emerge from this amnesty “deal” there will certainly be even more questions about it. Including: If this amnesty “deal” is really such good PUBLIC policy, then why have they crafted it PRIVATELY?
Steve weilds a bipartisan sword quite expertly! We need to continue to call our representatives & especially Sen. Alexander to let him know that we want a no vote on this!
The Lynchpin for the Illegal Alien issue
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Amnesty for Illegal Aliens
The pro-amnesty forces seem miffed that they are being questioned. Most of these have resorted to the old, worn-out tactics of name calling & condescensio because there truly is no reasonable argument to make the illegal legal. The reasons for opposing amnesty are solid & irrefutable. There is no reason on earth to believe that the enforcement provisions would be enforced. As I've posted many times, the executive branch & legislative branch have shown that they will not enforce the laws we have now; why should anyone expect that new enforcement language will have any effect? All the wonderful enforcement provisions & penalties for illegal employers mean nothing if not enforced. I urge everyone who cares about this issue to continue contacting their senators & representatives - they are feeling the heat & need to feel more heat. Let your senators & representatives know that you are against rewarding illegal behavior - the laws we have on the books should be enforced & that is what we demand!
Securing the borders so that illegals will not cross is important. What I feel is more important & will have an even greater effect is to remove the attractants for illegal aliens. This starts with the employers who knowingly hire illegals, who are charged with making sure that the workers hired are done so legally. Stern punishment for these employers will take away the reward for hiring illegal aliens. Couple this with removing the public assistance the illegals take, & that would remove the reward for coming here illegally. After that, the borders would be much more easily secured. Most of the illegals will go back from whence they came & those who want can come through legally, if they meet the requirements.
Immigrants come here legally; I'm all for them coming in legally. It's the illegal entrants that I do not want here because they are coming in illegally.
Keep calling your senators! There is a great number that can be used, toll-free 800-882-2005. From Tree of Liberty @ the Tennessean's forums:
Press 1 when you hear a Spanish message, then Press 1 again to be transferred to
your senior senator's office OR Press 2 when you hear a Spanish message, then 1
and you'll be transferred to your junior senator's office.
This is a direct number, based on area code & prefix for routing. It works great!
Sunday, May 20, 2007
A Potpourri of stuff
In my job I work with many people from different countries who are here legally. They are wonderful people. Like most, I'm not against immigration - I just want it done legally. I don't think that is too much to ask or require.
Fred Thompson has a good commentary on this bill @ I will quote the last paragraph, it puts it rather succintly to my mind:
We should scrap this “comprehensive” immigration bill and the whole debate
until the government can show the American people that we have secured the
borders -- or at least made great headway. That would give proponents of the
bill a chance to explain why putting illegals in a more favorable position than
those who play by the rules is not really amnesty.
I've opined that we may hear more dubious claims from "soldiers" coming out against the war & proclaiming the horrors wrought by our troops on innocents. A recent Seattle Times article exposes one of these, one Jesse Adam Macbeth. What he & others like him have done & will do is a travesty to our military, who I believe are the greatest fighting force ever to have been on this earth & among the best & brightest this country has.
Some justice in this world, A U.S. Navy lawyer convicted of divulging information about Guantanamo Bay detainees was sentenced to six months in prison Friday. Lt. Cmdr. Matthew M. Diaz has received 6 months in prison & will be booted from the navy. This is good, the GITMO detainees live better there than in the hellholes from which they came, & this has been demagogued to death.
No WMD in Iraq? Read this.
Former UN ambassador John Bolton really did us all proud in an interview with a sniveling BBC jackal. I would hope he finds a high level position in the Fred Thompson administration!
Keep calling, faxing, writing, & emailing your senators & representatives about this amensty bill for illegal aliens. Phil Valentine has sources that tell him they are feeling the heat, & need to feel more!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Nudist Groups Seeking Younger Members - Thank God!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Not Posted Anything In a While Here
Iraq has been the hot topic. We've seen the democrat leadership's non-binding votes, the votes for a pork laden spending bill with a timetable for non-victorious withdrawal, & now another worthless vote from the house that even the democratically controlled senate says is dead. We've had the leader of the senate, Harry Reid, say the war is lost. This while out troops are still fighting an enemy more evil than we comprehend.
I've been more confrontational in my postings, simply because I'm truly fed up with those who want the US to fail. Those who want to defeat George W. Bush so badly that they will do what they can to demoralize & defeat our own troops who are currently fighting the islamist enemy. They want to see Pres. Bush defeated so badly that they have put all their eggs for political power in the basket of US defeat in Iraq, with NO regard for the myriad horrible consequences that would follow such a defeat. Our troops are NOT being defeated - when they encounter the enemy they defeat the enemy. There are signs that the change in strategy is having the desired effect of removing the islamist cells from areas & keeping them out. This is allowing the Iraqi people to begin to live their lives, which will engender success in the economic component of success in Iraq. These steps forward will put more pressure on the political component to get their acts together & will hasten the time that the Iraqis can take over the defense & security of their country.
Who is leading this insurgency in Iraq? The answer is islamist groups, with Al Queda in the lead. The same Al Queda led by Osama Bin Laden. The same Al Queda who perpetrated the 9-11 terror attacks. That Al Queda. By what the democrat leadership is saying & doing, they are emboldening these groups - they are emboldening Al Queda! The Old Mainstream Media is also doing their part by ignoring success in Iraq & trumpeting the loss of life from the islamists & any loss of US troops. Any one of our troops killed is a hero & one too many; they are heroes because the willingly put themselves in the line of freedom's defense. Some here support them. Some here are doing & saying anything they can to demoralize our troops while they are fighting Al Queda led islamists. I would hope that they "know not what they do..." However, for some, they know what they're doing & the English language (even the curse words) do not do justice for the disgusting reality of that.
Our troops can do their jobs & be victorious in the military component of Iraq. They need the funding, the support (real support), the tools, & the unconventional tactics needed to defeat this unconventional enemy. They also must be free of micromanagement from ignorant politicians, & also free of media micromanagement & reporting, because the media has shown itself to be biased toward the Al Queda led islamists.
I am in contact with my elected representatives. I've had a good exchange with Jim Cooper, & commended him for still using the word victory in relation to us. Senators Alexander & Corker are going well on this.
I want the troops home ASAP. I want them home victorious. They aren't losing, aren't being defeated by the enemy, & can get their jobs done if they're given what they need to do it & the hindrances taken away. My phrase for this is "Won & Done." I trust that most of the American people want our troops to succeed. I have consternation & pity for those who do not...
Saturday, March 10, 2007
"Left on Left" Cannibalism
“We’re trying to use the supplemental to end the war,” Obey said. “You can’t end the war if you’re going against the supplemental. It’s time these idiot liberals understood that.”
“The liberal groups are jumping around without knowing what the hell is in the bill,” he bellowed. “You don’t have to cut off funds for an activity that doesn’t exist.” “The language we have in the resolution ends the authority for the war,” he added. “It makes it illegal to proceed with the war. You don’t have to de-fund something if the war doesn’t exist.”
Obey stressed the need for liberal groups to understand that cutting off military funding means de-funding important military programs, such as hospitals for veterans. “I’m not going to deny body armor. I’m not going to deny funding for veterans’ hospitals and for defense hospitals so you can help people that have health problems. That’s what you do if you go against that bill,” he added.
Asked about passing a resolution to end the war, Obey screamed that they did not have the votes.
“How, if you don’t have the votes?” Obey roared in response. “That bill ends the war! If that isn’t good enough for you, you’re smoking something illegal. You’ve got your facts screwed up.”
“Once in a while that frustration boils over, I wish it hadn’t but you cannot continue conversations forever,” he said.
He also continued to skewer “liberal groups” for failing to inform the members and the public that the war supplemental spending bill contains language aimed at ending the war.
So, we now have the democratic congressional representatives still working as hard as they can, through the machinations of congress, to ensure defeat, while their constituencies on the far left are upset that their representatives aren't moving fast enough or doing it perfectly.
Meanwhile, an IDB/Tipp poll shows that the American people think victory in Iraq is important & possible. Who seems to be more out of touch with the American people?
Friday, March 9, 2007
Random Stuff
I have found a great site for news from Iraq, news that we may not see on the nightly news. Some actual good news. It seems that the new strategy is already seeing positive results, even without the bulk of the new troops.
Will the early & accelerated race for the presidency cause the nominees to be known far in advance, or will it allow for front-runners to be trashed? This week we've been treated to stories regarding Guliani's & Gingrich's maritial & familial issues. There's been a dust-up between Hiliary & Obama. Bill Hobbs had had some great pieces on the possiblity of Fred Thompson entering the race. Thompson would be an interesting & formidable candidate. He does not have the executive experience of a governor; he does, however, have a commanding presence & ability to appeal to the grassroots.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Support the Troops & the "Slow Bleed"
As this debate went on, a new strategy was unveiled. It's called the slow bleed strategy, authored by John Murtha. It's simply a way to slowly cut off funds instead of doing it all at once. It would keep the troops from receiving reinforcements and the material support they need to do their jobs. I fail to see how this can be construed as supporting the troops.
Another tidbit that came to my attention shows how many on the left really feel about the men and women serving in our military. It's by a professor named June Scorza Terpstra. It can be found at this link entitled "Can we really support these troops?" In this post, Prof. Terpstra excoriates our troops as thuggish mercenaries who delight in killing innocents. Needless to say, I believe she is completely wrong; however, I do think it's good to get the truth of how the anti-war movement leadership really feels about our troops when they say they support them.
Sunday, February 4, 2007
I've opined, as have many others, about the reasons that the republicans lost their congressional majorities. I think it's because they did not stand up for the core conservative principles we in the base have. I write this now because, in my own life, core principles have been tested. I don't brag when I say I & my family have passed the test, because the test truly isn't over. I can say that it can be easy to become frustrated & whelmed when one's core beliefs are tested, & takes strength & endurance to face these tests. I don't want to get into the specifics right now, but will do so at a later date. If anyone who reads this will do so, prayers will be appreciated!